Former New Ager, Steven Bancarz has put together an excellent video showcasing meditation research from the Britton Lab at Brown University as well as video excerpts of a current New Age guru, Leo Gura, explaining the dark side of meditation.
Dangers of Yoga according to Carl Jung
According to renowned psychoanalyst Carl Jung: “One often hears and reads about the dangers of Yoga, particularly of the
12 thoughts on “Proof Meditation Is Dangerous & Demonic (The Shocking Truth) – Steven Bancarz – Reasons for Jesus”
yes I agree that meditation can put you into a very vulnerable state of mind.
Great work.
Thank you for your work. Do you thik binaural beats brain entrainment fall in the same category of dangerous practices?
Although I was involved in biofeedback research long ago, I haven’t heard of the two things you mentioned. I would have to look at the protocols. Whenever you try to fixate or detach and lower your critical faculties that can be a problem. Especially when deal with content from other spiritual disciplines and it includes mantras or focusing on things that have been the objects of idolatry.
It’s absolutely dangerous – please avoid it – you have no idea what kind of things are being implanted in your subconscious either via the beats and/ or from the demonic.
Can you tell me why this video is no longer available? I found it while doing research on the demonic link between Zen Buddhist meditation. I am writing a letter to the leadership of the Christian school my youngest children attend. Their PE teacher is having them practice “mindfulness” which is nothing but Zen Buddhist meditation. I was hoping to include a link to this video.
Chris, Check out our Meditation Damgers page on Facebook for lots of articles relevant to your arguments against meditation in your school.
I am not on Facebook. I left that medium because of its Neo-Marxist censorship of the truth. The video in this article succinctly spelled out some of points I made in my letter, and provided good information on the studies that showed the harmful psychological effects of meditation. I was hoping to show the pastor of the church school the video so that he can properly evaluate what this PE teacher is teaching. Is there anyway that I can share the video with him?
I would try to contact Steven Bancarz. Perhaps he has uploaded it on another platform.
Here is a blog post from Steven Bancarz’s website that has some of the data and background that was in the video that was taken down.
I hope this helps.
Thank you.
Christianity is a lie and warps the teachings of Jesus.
all facts