The purpose of this website is to provide information and links to articles and websites that describe the many physical, psychological, and spiritual dangers associated with yoga, Transcendental Meditation (TM), and especially practices that are used to bring about a “kundalini awakening.” As you investigate the sites and articles here you will see that the purpose of yoga is not physical exercise but a path to spiritual “awakening” and “enlightenment” through union with the “divine.” To bring about this “enlightenment,” the overarching goal of yoga is to prepare oneself for the awakening of the spiritual energy or “kundalini” that supposedly lies dormant at the base of the spine. When the awakening of kundalini or “serpent energy” occurs, the consequences can be perilous and last for years.
About the Author
The author of this website has intimate and personal knowledge of the “Kundalini Awakening” experience. If you explore the links on this site you will see that the experience is often debilitating, disabling, and sometimes life-threatening. The experience can drive you insane and can continue for years. The author of this webpage practiced Transcendental Meditation during the 1970s and became a Christian in 1995. His spontaneous “awakening” started several years after he became a Christian during a battle with a rare muscle disease called “Eosinophilic Fasciitis.” However, some of the more subtle symptoms started before his conversion. Freedom from many of the symptoms of kundalini has come through prayer and ministry received from several Christian inner healing and deliverance ministries. Increasingly, freedom has come through a deepening relationship and a complete surrender to Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the true healer.