From Bob Larson’s Blog:
It’s the new buzz-word of spiritually minded millennials – MINDFULNESS. It can mean almost anything to anyone. The concept was borrowed from yoga, TM, and, of course, Buddhism. Some psychologists have gotten into the act, thinking it’s a drug-free way to reduce stress and become more focused. Spiritually, it’s supposed to be the ultimate path to avoiding suffering and gaining intuitive insight. It also may induce altered states of consciousness. Proponents tout its ability to get us “into the moment,” unconditionally accepting what “is.” There’s no effort to change the way things are, just be “wakeful,” “mindful” and be present with the self. The result is, whether twisted into a yoga position or seated in a Zen posture, transcendence to a place of implicit knowledge and wisdom, of “being alive” to universal consciousness.
If all that sounds to you like New Age psycho-babble, you’re right. It is ultimately based on the lie of Buddhism, that the source of suffering is desire and therefore one needs to escape desire through direct experience of the inner-divine. So much is wrong with this assumption, I hardly know where to start. (For a detailed explanation of the dangers of Eastern Meditation read LARSON’S BOOK OF WORLD RELIGIONS, the section on “meditation.” To order CLICK HERE.) Mindfulness is based on explicit anti-biblical premises. First, to the mindful meditator there is no such thing as objective, immoral conduct known as sin; second there is no devil; third, there is no transcendent moral code; no Decalogue. Even the respected journal “Psychology Today” recommends meditating before an altar with “sacred objects” of one’s own religious tradition. If that’s not idolatry, what is?
Mindfulness usually involves breathing techniques, akin to cultivating chi in Taoism or prana in Hinduism. Stilling one’s thoughts is also crucial, shutting down the mind, and thus the cognitive will. It is in this state of acute awareness of the “now” that Christian precepts are discarded in favor of the energy of the present. In contrast, God has given us our minds and intellects that we might rationally know that He is God. In contrast to the emptiness of mindfulness, Hebrews 11:6 tells us that “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” That requires concentrative, directive thought, not a mind adrift in the senses of the moment. As Psalm 25:4 says, “Show me Your ways, O Lord, Teach me Your paths.” Don’t discard the intelligent pursuit of truth and exchange it for the awareness of inner self. That self may be demonized by generational curses, or possessed by spirits that entered through personal iniquities. Don’t mindfully feed your inner demons. Expel them in the name of Jesus!